BlogUncategorizedWhat Should We Do to Get Noticed By Google?

What Should We Do to Get Noticed By Google?

It is a known fact that a business that doesn’t work on the mandates laid down by the search engine giant, Google, is bound to fail. There may be several paid options to increase site traffic. But in this article, we will suggest ways on how to make your website noticed organically.

Tip 1- Make your website registered with Google Search Console

Google Webmasters Tool

Google Search Console, also popularly called as Webmaster Tools, is a free service offered by Google. In this, you have to submit your website and its sitemap to Google for indexing. By submitting a sitemap, you are telling Google Search Console about the presence of the website online, and it will further make your site more visible. Apart from that, you can use Google Search Console for different things like the below:

  1. You can verify external sites that linked to your website. It is imperative to improve search results by allowing only authoritative links.
  2. You can check whether Google Bot is experiencing any crawl errors while visiting your website.
  3. You can find out key-phrases that are driving traffic to your website.
  4. Through this platform, you can tell Google if you have updated a piece of information so that the search engine can display fresh content in the search engine results page (SERPs).
  5. The search console help page is a great way to improve page visibility.

Tip 2- Link your website with Google MyBusiness

Another way to improve visibility is to register your business on Google My Business page. It can help you to improve your search engine visibility in a particular geographic area. When you register the business on it, Google will send a postcard to you along with a business address- you can verify your business address once again.

The verification will help Google to know the physical existence of your business. If people are looking for products/services similar to what you offer, then there are higher chances of your business coming up tops of local search results.

For example, you may run a web design company in Manchester. If somebody residing in Manchester and is looking for a web design company, then Google will prioritize your company on SERPs.

Google My Business Tool has become a meaningful way to expand your business locally. Registering for this service has become crucial. And once you have registered yourself, it is necessary to keep your information up-to-date.

This action is needed because your customers will be likely to see your Google My Business page first before they enter your website. So, if your Google My Business Page contains wrong contact information or address, you may potentially lose the customer.

To further improve your search visibility, you can encourage the customers to review your business on Google. Having some helpful ratings beside your business name can improve your click rate and will create a positive impact on the customers.

Tip 3- Improve your site load time on mobile devices

web speed optimisation

Google has laid a lot of emphasis on site speed since 2010. According to it, it is necessary to ensure that your site is responsive and is loading fast. You can achieve conformance when you:

  1. Reduce the number of HTTP requests on your website (for this use scripts to a minimum and add images only when it is relevant to your content).
  2. Reduce the image size using various tools. Several tools, like, help to compress the images. The site can ensure this feature without losing the picture quality.
  3. Use high-quality domain hosting service

Tip 4-How to check page speed?

If you are not sure about how to check the page speed, you can use the Google Page Speed Insight Tool. This tool provides in-depth information about the different aspects of the website and the reason why it is slowing down.

These tools will improve your page load speed. They will report you things that you need to do to improve page load speed and performance of the website. Google Page Speed Tool is a perfect example of such a tool.

Importance of Page Speed

Page Speed is highly crucial, especially if your website runs on mobile. According to research, 29% of the smartphone users will switch to another site if the site doesn’t load adequately fast. Hence, Google lays a strong emphasis on page speed.

Another reason why Google prefers mobile sites is that they are ad-free i.e., the ones that don’t frustrate users with obtrusive ads. It can not only hamper the speed of the website but also create a poor user experience- and Google penalizes the user for it.

Tip 5-Use right key-phrases, meta-title, meta-description and URL

Meta tags optimisation

Make sure that your website contains accurate, precise, page title, meta-description. The keywords that you are planning to embed in the content should be relevant. The first step to make yourself found on Google is to do keyword research.

Keyword Research helps you to identify the phrases that your target customers would use to find out your brand. This tool includes not only broad keyphrases, but also long-tail keywords.

To get started, you need to write your keyword in the Google Keyword research tool. There, you will find an enormous number of keywords that can improve potential traffic to your website.

You can invite your whole SEO team, including content writers, to find out keywords that your potential customers might use to search your business online.

Once you have made an initial keywords list, now you can narrow down based on where you are located, what Google suggests, what your competitors are using. Now that you have a list of keywords in your hand, you need to find out the keywords that are worth chasing. Start by looking at monthly search volume on Google Keyword Planner. Based on that, you can narrow down your options.

Meta Descriptions

Have you ever seen a small description that comes when the user searches your website? Well, these are the well-written meta descriptions that can improve click-through rates.

Even if you have well-written titles, meta-description, or URL, they are of no value if you don’t have backlinks to your website. The best way to increase backlinks is to ask other blog owners to feature your content and by creating keyword-embedded informative blog posts.

All these simple steps will help you to increase the visibility of your site on Google. All the best for your online marketing, and hope these points will help you get a competitive edge with a high volume of qualified site traffic.

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