BlogUncategorizedTwitter to eradicate ads that request for your personal details:

Twitter to eradicate ads that request for your personal details:

Twitter started its ads for lead generation back in 2013 but it hasn’t done much to keep up with the latest version of Facebook.

As confirmed by a spokesperson, Twitter is now phasing out its current typical format for lead generation where brands can request for user’s personal information like their email ids, twitter handles etc.

Twitter introduced its format for lead generation with an aim to enable the marketers to get the prospects to sign for their campaign emailers and newsletters which will allow them to build a relationship outside the social media platform as well. Brands like Full Sail and Priceline were the first ones to use this format which sent the details of the person once he clicked a button agreeing to provide the information.

In mid-2015, Facebook rolled the similar format but with added features. Here, in addition to the email ids, marketers were able to ask for more details like their ZIP codes, contact numbers, Company and Job details etc. which are more useful to a marketer in order to close a sale. Furthermore, marketers also had the option to request for additional information from people like their area of interest and their preferred way of being contacted.

Facebook was building on Twitter’s format and Twitter hardly did anything to keep up with the pace. This lack of update could be the main reason why this lead generation format is joining the league of other products like Vine and Twitter Music which were discontinued by Twitter.

Twitter defined a two-step process for phasing out of lead generation cards. Brand will not be able to create lead generation ads or edit the cards after the 1st of February, 2017 and by the 1st of March, 2017; people will not be able to see the lead generation cards on Twitter.

With a team of highly experienced digital marketers, we have developed some of the best results driven campaigns for all size agencies and businesses.

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