Some Places When Canonicalization is a Real Concern

Though it is hard to pronounce the word Canonicalization, still it marks a hot topic in recent times. This is a newest idea that Google has proposed for a process that consolidates all the duplicate URLs into single yet original canonical version. It makes a lot of effort for the search engines to work hard in leading to the similar pages, particularly when lot many URLs involve. This needs much time in crawling from one spot to the other. Such an activity may make you miss the important page of the website or may be the one of your interest; simply because the crawl time is either limited or too slow to process.
We discuss those times here when canonicalization can be a matter of concern.
• If you have probably missed redirecting the www and non-www versions of your website and they both get to reconcile, it can be a worry. Basically the two versions may be similar but one need a 301 or abiding re-direct from one to another if we wish to have the desired and best results. Not having this server re-direct in position will actually spell out some bad news for you websites as both search engine will index both the sites.
• Another important reason for thinking of canonicalization is that your URL composition generates boundless URLs. Having a dynamically generated URL structure calls a severe peek through by the specialists. This may generate limitless URLs getting you in hard time to tackle. Some large-sized E-commerce sites experience this problem as they have number of products in the list sorted by their price, size, color, etc. if different URL is produced for each segment’s result, one definitely lands in trouble. Hence, there is a tracking code to each URL that helps in keeping bets look on each campaign. In such cases it is so heavenly having canonical Meta tag as the handling tool which is capable of diverting you to direct spot with the important stuff.
• Robots.txt exclusion as we know helps blocking search engines from indexing the said data on the website which one may not actually wish to index. Using such a tag occasionally can be considered as a pleasant practice but it may be easy to block the spiders accidentally from indexing the pages known as relevant. If your website is not efficiently indexed, it is so much the prime site to look.
• No one wants to lose the traffic that is more attracted towards the new content published at your end. You might have changed the URL structure thinking that some relevant information may still exist on both the versions, be it old or new. In such a scenario, the 301 redirect gets important with its use. Somehow, 301 works well in redirecting the traffic as a 302 redirect works well in spider’s absence.