Google Organic Search

Google has always been a company which is extremely flexible with experiments in spite of its nature. These experiments could be variations in the algorithm, the user policy, the design or any kind of new web products that they launch. Alterations, modifications, changes, adjustments and improvements keep happening when Google engineers are involved.
One of the latest updates to be made to the search engine is in the field of Google Organic Search. The organic search section is where schedules for small businesses and large scale retailers are placed. Search engine optimization is the process of insuring your site listing appears among the top results of a search in engines such as Yahoo! or Google. The higher a website ranks in the search results, the greater the chance that the site will be visited. SEO is not to be confused with paid search, or Pay-Per-Click.
Organic search, also called “natural search” is considered to be the goal for any good SEO campaign. Below are listed some of the benefits of Search Engine Optimization.
1.SEO offers excellent return on investment :
Even though SEO produces one of the lowest costs per impression as compared to other traditional and online marketing strategies, it is often ignored because hotel markers are made to believe that their site is SEO friendly or rely on 3rd party sites to do the work to come up on the search engines.
2. Decrease 3rd party commissions :
The most revenue will occur if you drive traffic directly from the search engines to your hotel’s website without having a reservation going through a 3rd party like Expedia.
3.SEO has longevity :
When you spend time and money getting your site listed organically, it doesn’t dry up instantly when your money does. SEO works best when it is worked on continually; however, if you do find that your marketing budget has been cut, it will take some time before your site completely drops from the search engines.