BlogUncategorizedGoogle Adword’s Showcase Shopping: Display Collections of Products at One Place

Google Adword’s Showcase Shopping: Display Collections of Products at One Place

The launch of Showcase Shopping ads by Google AdWords has been the recent hot news in online advertising. This holiday season, mobile shoppers in some more countries will witness a new form of advertisement through Showcase Shopping. Being designed to create more business opportunities for advertising brands, Showcase Shopping ads also offer an option to make choices to the user.

Now a total selection of products can be showcased in a single ad by the advertiser. As per Google’s research, around 40% of online shoppers use broad terms for their searches. For example, through Showcase Shopping ads, advertisers can show a collection of “Summer Dresses”. This, in turn, provides options for the online shopper to scroll through the selection and make a choice. The shopper can click on his/her selection and view more details related to that particular product.

Last year, Google ran Showcase Shopping ads on trial basis. As per the results of this trial, it has been concluded that users are more likely to engage with a brand that showcases its product through this new ad type. It was found that users retained the name of the brand being advertised through Showcase Shopping ads and later searched for the same. witnessed 3 times increment in its brand name search through Showcase Shopping Ads. Furthermore, clicks on the site rose by 32% resulting in more sales.

Like AdWords, DoubleClick Search, Kenshoo and Marin are also supporting ShowcaseShopping ads.

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