BlogUncategorized9 Signs of a Cre@t!vePer$0n

9 Signs of a Cre@t!vePer$0n

“Creativity is more than just being different. Anybody can plan weird; that’s easy. What’s hard is to be as simple as batch. Making the simple, awesomely simple, that’s creativity.” – Charles Mingus
Here is a list of signs that defines a creative person:
1.You are a people watcher
Whenever you’re in a public place you tend to notice people and their behaviors.
2.You understand the difference between imagination and reality
Edgar Allen Poe once famously said, “Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things that escape those who dream only at night.” Edgar was on to something then that you’re probably doing each day – imagining the ideal world you want.
3.You seek Inspiration
You search for inspiration wherever you can find it. It’s nice to know you’re not alone in your desire to create.
4.You take time to think
Your brain is your greatest asset.
5.You think most people have poor taste
You’re that person in the room who doesn’t like movies and TV series, where all others are crazy about these.
6.You Observe E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G
For you everything is interesting and attractive, so you tend to notice it and complement its beauty by observing it continuously.
7.You chase your dreams and live your passions
For all the creative people out there, one things which matters is their dreams and passions. They believe in thinking big, taking it on another level, and observing it with a different perspective. They always work towards fulfilling their dreams.
8.You’re responsibly irresponsible
It’s not smart to act immature, but you take chances when you need to. This can be expressed in buying your first home or car, sending in a job application for a position you’re under qualified for but really want, or treating your friends to a dinner on you when you don’t have a ton of money. Creativity takes guts.
9.You are numb to rejection
If becoming a writer or actor or artist was easy, a lot more people would do it. Getting that dreaded rejection letter stinks at first, but eventually you become able to just shrug it off and go on to the next one.

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