Business Overview

The website belongs to Stone Polishing Services.

Sydney Stone Polishing specialises in high-quality marble restoration, repair, cleaning, polishing, sealing and installation professionals servicing the entire Sydney metro area. We ensure that all your restoration needs from the beginning are done to your detail. We use the best techniques that create an outstanding look to your stone and keeps on-going repairs to a minimum.

Before engaging with us their website traffic did not perform as expected.

The client’s mandate was clear. They needed to be seen above the fold in organic SERP and dominate the on the first page of Google SERP.

Table of Contents

The Diagnosis
The Solution
The Benefits

The Diagnosis

A thorough study of the keywords used in the client site revealed these interesting insights Low SERP ranking for keywords – They were not in the top 10 positions for the key terms relevant to client business
Keywords Initial Ranking
Marble Floor Polishing Sydney Not in Rank
Marble Polishing Sydney Not in Rank
Limestone Polishing Sydney Not in Rank
Limestone Restoration Sydney Not in Rank
Marble Benchtops Polishing Sydney Not in Rank
Stone Restoration Sydney Not in Rank
Sydney Stone Restoration Not in Rank
Marble Cleaning Sydney Not in Rank
Marble Restoration Sydney Not in Rank
Marble Repairs Sydney Not in Rank
Sydney Marble Restoration Not in Rank
They had a significant Google page speed issue, which was affecting their ranking negatively. Google has indicated that the uploading speed is one of the signals used by its algorithm to rank pages. Slow uploading means that search engines can crawl fewer pages, and this could negatively affect your indexation. Page speed is also important for the user experience. Pages with a long load time tend to have higher bounce rates and lower average time on page. Longer load times have also been proven to negatively affect conversions.

The Solution

We have resolved the page speed issue with the help of the development team and narrowed down the issue affecting Google rankings, we developed a solution to counter these problems specifically. Apart from this, we performed following things to improve the ranking and traffic of the website.

1 – Keyword research
We did keyword research for relevant terms applicable to the client business. This was geared to bring more qualified site traffic and higher keyword rankings on SERPs.

2 – Blog posts to add value to readership audience
We focused on improving Google rankings by providing informative blog posts that added tremendous value to the target audience. The keyword-rich content focused on readability as well as organic rankings boost.

3 – Website content optimization
We identified the problem of keyword stuffing in some of the pages. Since this issue can negatively impact Google rankings, we concentrated on generating fresh content, with a higher emphasis on readability and optimize keyword density.

The Benefits

The extensive SEO optimization strategies we rolled out for the client saw results that matched client expectations. We were able to boost the website Organic traffic by almost 62.06% from 72 monthly visitors to 116 monthly visitors.

In addition, we were able to boost the website all traffic by almost 54.94% from 100 monthly visitors to almost 182 monthly visitors.

Organic Traffic Trends, since we have started working:

All Traffic Trends, since we have started working:

Keywords Initial Ranking Today’s Ranking
Marble Floor Polishing Sydney Not in Rank 1
Marble Polishing Sydney Not in Rank 1
Limestone Polishing Sydney Not in Rank 8
Limestone Restoration Sydney Not in Rank 7
Marble Benchtops Polishing Sydney Not in Rank 1
Stone Restoration Sydney Not in Rank 6
Sydney Stone Restoration Not in Rank 4
Marble Cleaning Sydney Not in Rank 4
Marble Restoration Sydney Not in Rank 4
Marble Repairs Sydney Not in Rank 4
Sydney Marble Restoration Not in Rank 4

Backlinks Trend

We have reviewed history for the past few months through SEM Rush tool then we see a positive trend in the number of backlinks indexed on the search engine.